What Drives Your Decisions?
Every day we are faced with decisions. Decisions on what we should wear, decisions on what we should eat, decisions on how we drive, decisions on how to interact with one another. Decisions, decisions, and more decisions. Have you ever wondered what drives your decisions? If you really think about it, you probably base them on what benefits you most. What outfit will give you confidence. What food will taste good. What outcome will put you on top. What answer will bring you comfort. We hate to admit it but we are a nation of selfish individuals. Regardless if its intentional or not. I will be the first to admit that I am selfish. A lot of my decisions are based on how the outcome will effect me. I am not proud of that but it is the hard truth. When the hard truth is put right in front of us we have another decision to make. Do we want to accept it? And if we accept it, do we want it to continue? I do not want to be selfish but the moment we are born, we are sinners. Ps...